Third Church is a family of faith continually renewed by the gospel to love God, each other, our neighbors, and the world. Love Renews.
9:30 AM
We believe that God invites us to worship, brings us together, grows us through the teaching of His Word, and calls us to respond. This is reflected in our rhythms of worship.
(Worship Service is drawn from Psalm 22, 60, 95, 103,146, & Isaiah 6)
Directed to God for His glory: All of worship focuses on God and seeks His glory above all and in all things.
Gospel-Centered: We can worship God because of the cleansing power of His love and forgiveness shown in Jesus. We enter worship in light of that power and further experience the reality of that power within the service.
Dialogical and Discipling: the rhythms of worship (invitation to worship, response of praise, confession, assurance, greeting, preaching, giving…) present a dialogue between God and His people in which God disciples/forms His people more and more into His likeness.
Authentic Testimony: Worship involves telling honest stories of our sin and feelings of estrangement from God, and God’s restorative response of love, grace, and forgiveness in our lives.
An Experience of the Divine: In worship we experience the warmth and welcoming presence of the triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Thus, we can say with delight “Surely God is in this place!”
Worship starts at 9:30am and typically lasts an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.
The service will be live streamed for home worship.
Our worship service starts at 9:30am and typically lasts an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.
People wear anything from jeans to slacks or skirts. We encourage you to come as you are, ready to meet God.
When you enter any of the main double doors, there will be greeters to welcome you and who can point you in the right direction if you have any questions.
We have both a main floor and a balcony. You are welcome to sit wherever you are most comfortable.
We rotate between band-led and piano-led music. We are a congregation who loves to sing.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper once a month. We serve gluten free bread.
We take an offering during the morning service, but visitors should not feel pressured to give.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy a time of coffee, cookies, and fellowship after the morning service.
For young children, we offer both nursery care and Children & Worship time during the worship service. All children are also welcome to remain throughout.
Nursery care is available for children up to three years of age. All children’s ministries are staffed by volunteers who have been screened and love interacting with kids.
Children ages 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in a time of worship designed for them, called Children & Worship, and will be dismissed during the service. We do accommodate for allergies. Just make sure to let us know.
After the time of fellowship, Sunday School classes are available September through May for Kindergartners through 12th grade. Adults are invited to attend Adult Education during this time.
A church bus is available to pick up residents from both Meadow Greens and Lynden Manor.
Handicapped parking and ramp access to the building are available east of the sanctuary on the north side of the Education Wing.
Hospitality: In giving His Son God revealed His deep desire to welcome everyone into His family. We reflect that deep welcome by opening ourselves to others and inviting them into our lives.
Service: In the washing of the disciples’ feet, Jesus called us to a life of humble service. We live out that service by being the hands and feet of Jesus and bringing ministries of mercy to others.
Evangelism: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8) We share this good news of God’s redeeming love found only in Jesus with each other, our neighbors, and the world.
Fellowship: Through Jesus’ sacrifice and the work of the Holy Spirit, God brought us into deep and restorative fellowship with himself; this fellowship is greatly experienced within the family of God. We enjoy deep, restorative fellowship and community with God when we gather together as a family of faith.
Culturally Engaged: Throughout His word God reveals the ways he attends to all times and places with the good news of the gospel. We seek to attend to and understand today’s time and context so that we can better share the good news of the gospel with a hurting world.
Vulnerability: Through His incarnation and crucifixion Jesus knows all of who we are and took all our shame and guilt away, which frees us to expose and confess all of who we are to Him and to each other.

Learn more about the various Ministries available.
Listen to sermons that are available online.